Dr. Woodrow Kroll

Dr. Woodrow Kroll serves the Lord through Woodrow Kroll Ministries and as teacher for The HELIOS Projects, after many of us got to know and love him during his 23 years as president and senior Bible teacher for Back to the Bible—where he always counseled us to “Have a good and godly day.”
Dr. Kroll is a graduate of Davis College, Barrington College, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Geneva-St. Albans Theological Seminary, where he received his doctorate of theology. He served as president of Davis College for almost a decade, after teaching there and also at Liberty University, where he was dean of the religion department.
Dr. Kroll has also been a pastor, is the author of more than 50 books and is known as a champion of Bible literacy.
He and his wife Linda have four children, 16 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.