Steve Rahn

Steve Rahn was born in Lansing, Michigan in 1981. He graduated from Faithway Baptist College in 2003. Steve spent 2004-2008 serving as a youth pastor in North Carolina. On a ministry trip to Connecticut in the summer of 2007, he became burdened for the Northeast. Steve moved to New England in 2008 with a call from God to plant a church. He planted Grace Church Brockton in May of 2010. His favorite authors and pastors include: John Piper, RC Sproul, Sinclair Ferguson, Tim Keller, Tim Chester, Darren Patrick, Mark Dever, Ray Ortlund, Scotty Smith, DA Carson and Derek Thomas. Steve enjoys theology, teaching, theater, soccer, basketball, and spending time with his beautiful family. He and his wife, Denise, have been married since 2003. They have three girls–Abigail, Meribeth and Eden Hope.