The Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony

Recent Comments
    • Colin Bell
      Very encouraging
      Thanks for that. Really well produced also. God bless.
    • Sandra kelly
      Great Sermon!
      May Almighty God continue to speak thro ugh you.So blessed, enlightened & challenged to PRAY for the swift fulfillment of the end time prophecies.Many thanks
    • Jennifer Mason
      Exceptional Sermon!
      I’ve searched over and over looking for a complete understanding of Zechariah 5:5-11. The Lord lead me to your sermon, the unmistakable wisdom you’ve received from our Lord is profound. I cannot say nothing more, but God be praised: Hallelujah, for blessing you with this sermon.I only wished you had transcripts, that I may follow along, but such as it is, I will continue to enjoy!
    • njfrompa
      Great Sermon!
    • Florin Motiu
      Great truths.
      It was a joy for me to discover that this preacher believes that Ezekiel 47-48 must be interpreted literally, not metaphorically or symbolically, as many preachers do. It was good to hear that this preacher believes in a material land for Israel, believes in the river, the fertility of the land. As I differ from this view in the fact that I do not find a Millennial kingdom in the Bible, I believe that this text will be fulfilled literally in the new earth, when the Lord Jesus will reign eternally from Jerusalem.
    • Lj mmsr
      Great Sermon!
      Brilliant. Thank you Rev Foster
    • Colin Ford
      Truly a sober and solemn sermon
      Solemn and sombre, an almost depressing sermon, but nevertheless enunciating great scriptural truths.An hour and six minutes most profitably spent.Mr Shaw clearly expounds the truth of this most solemn of subjects. The various aspects of God's Judgments. Many erroneously think it wrong to judge, but God's word tells us to "Judge righteous judgment", this can ONLY be from His Holy Word, we cannot go wrong if we don't depart from this absolute position. If perchance YOU are an unbeliever reading this comment, I earnestly implore you only to listen to the last six minutes of this sermon. If this doesn't make you flee to His feet at the throne of grace, I don't quite know what will. (I'd never heard that quote before). May God bless you.