Mayhew Primitive Baptist Church

Recent Comments
    • Sake
      Great Sermon!
      Bro Jeff, I am glad in the Lord to learn biblical lessons from Book of Jonah as you brought miracles of God from the same book. I am blessed to seat and hear the voice of My Redeemer. Thank you
    • Elder LeRoy Rhodes
      Great Sermon!
      Elder Hatfield,A much needed sermon on the Incarnation and the human body of The God man. Jesus is The Eternal Son of God!
    • Elder LeRoy Rhodes
      Great Sermon!
      Elder Hatfield, Was good to hear the truth on The Deity of Jesus Christ and his Incarnation in human flesh.
    • Sergey Kozhedub
      Good sermon
      Present-day evangelicals have departed from the biblical truth regarding divorce and remarriage. They need to hear more sermons like this. However, I was puzzled by one statement at the beginning of this message. 6:50 Brother Herb says, “Remember that all Israel were not born again believers”. And he tries to prove that was the reason why they were given those rigid rules. Well, if all Israelites were unregenerate, then none of them was saved. But we know that many of them WERE saved. Yet Jesus said unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. My question is, does Brother Herb really believe that all Israel were not born again believers or did he simply not convey his thought correctly?
    • Matthew John Baptist
      Great Sermon!
      A powerful sermon full of pure, ancient doctrine. Anyone, claiming the name of Christ, should give its contents an intense dissecting and comparison with the Word of God.
    • Pastor Herb Hatfield
      Great Sermon!
      Dear Bro. John,Thank you for your comment. I suggest you read what Warfield says that I posted under more sermon details. Note how he exalts reasoning and says, "Reason is the instrument of discovering all doctrines and duties." This is very different from what John Knox said and what Paul says in I Cor. 2:9-14. Webster defines the word creed as being an authoritative statement. That is this the error of the Reformers, creeds are their authority. Baptist say the Bible alone is our authority. Primitive Baptists do not have any creed except the Word of God. I will be most happy to discuss this future by email, if you desire.In Christ,Pastor Herb
    • John A.
      Great Sermon!
      What the Westminster confession means by deduction from scripture is that comparing scripture with scripture truths are deduced that may not be expressly stated. Jesus himself used this method in Matt. 22:31,32 where he proves to the Sadducees the resurrection from the passage on the burning bush where there is nothing "expressly" stated about the resurrection but a resurrection can be "deduced" from the information in the passage. As for the contention concerning credalism a church must necessarily sum up what it believes the Scripture teaches . Your church does this too, that is why it says it is a "primitive baptist" church. This claim in itself is a kind of creed.
    • Pastor Herb Hatfield
      Great Sermon!
      This sermon was preached by Elder Pyles at the 50th Wedding Anniversary of Sister Ruth and Brother Herb Hatfield. It was a great blessing to all who heard it.Pastor Herb
    • Alana
      Great Sermon!
      Awesome sermon! Thanks for message and God bless!
    • Pastor Herb Hatfield
      Great Sermon!
      Thank the Lord for this great message and the messenger that has faithfully delivered it. May the Holy Spirit impress on the hearts of all who hear this message the truth of it.Pastor Hatfield
    • Renat Ilyasov
      Great Sermon!
      May God bless you for your preaching in the Spirit of Truth.
    • Chuck Petersen7
      Enduring Truth
      Thank you for standing up for the truth. I pray God will continue to bless you with boldness and clarity. Few are willing to preach "unpopular" doctrines.
    • Andrew Magni
      Great Sermon!
      Isaiah 1:6 speaks of oil, if not specifically olive oil, as that which mollifies wounds , bruises and putrifying sores - so the analogy to oil and wine as that which brings comfort to God's people does accord with the scripture's concepts related to God's people - Isaiah 1 preceding Isaiah 2 the present age speaks of the judgment upon Christ/His Body in the crucifixion when all the sheep were scattered and the oil of comfort ceased following this the spiritual oils of comfort shall never cease operation even through the persecutions of this present evil age
    • JM
      Thank you for giving a faithful exposition of scripture.
    • ray hoggard
      Great Sermon!
      I thank my God for this wonderful sermon. Truly Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. These words are precious to all who know Him.