Pro-Life Is Not Enough
9 Sermons

Over the past five decades, the pro-life movement has had lots of good intentions but few tangible results. This should not be surprising, since pro-life leaders have refused to stand on the Word of God as their foundation and to trust Him with the outcome. We have seen the government-sanctioned and regulated murder of over 63 million preborn babies in the United States since Roe vs. Wade. Because the mainstream pro-life movement is founded upon a faulty, unbiblical foundation, it should not be surprising that the practice of baby murder continues in our nation. God alone has the power to bring an end to abortion, and we cannot expect Him to bless our efforts when they run contrary to His Word. Being Pro-Life is Not Enough. We must build our efforts on a biblical foundation, and boldly stand against abortion in a God-honoring way.

9 Sermons