Friendship Primitive Baptist Church

ID friendshippbc Code# 32581

In the period roughly encompassing 1827-1840, a major division took place in the Baptist churches. The focal point of the disagreement was the doctrine of atonement as set forth by Andrew Fuller. His teachings ultimately led to a widespread belief in the doctrine of General Atonement and resulted in a wave of organizations and church auxiliaries which were set up to promote missionary activity in order to get people saved. Regular, Primitive or Old School Baptists held firmly to the doctrine of particular Redemption and objected strenuously to these innovations in practice and the doctrine from which they stemmed; and during this period they separated themselves from the churches which held to these new innovations. Nevertheless, their ministers braved many hardships in order to preach the work of evangelism and the ministry wherever and to whomever the Holy Spirit may lead them.
Friendship Primitive Baptist Church welcomes all who are interested in serving our Lord and Master. We would also enjoy the opportunity to share with you the doctrines of Salvation by Grace and the wonderful joy that can be had believing in the completed work of Christ.

Recent Sermons
Service Times

10:30 AM
Lunch Every Sunday

Physical Address
Friendship Primitive Baptist Church 2696 Crossroads North Rd Subiaco, Arkansas 72865