Free Grace Baptist Church

Recent Comments
    • BWS
      Powerful: Fathers' Leadership Needed!
      Strong preaching! The sermon is much broader and more comprehensive than the title suggests. This is not a simple how-to sermon. This is biblical exhortation and strong preaching about the need for men and fathers as active leaders in the church and in society today. Mention made of government overreach and persecution as well.This pastor is a doctinally sound, knowledgeable & powerful preacher! Best I've heard in years.
    • Greg Smith
      Great Sermon!
      Butler's on the top sermons page!!Praise God!
    • Tim M.
      Great Sermon!
      Wow. I didn't know there were still men like this around who boldly stand on God's Eternal Truth. Thank you.
    • David Moran
      Passionate and Logical Exposition
      Very charitable and well thought out introduction of the Olivet Discourse. The speaker is both passionate and logical which is not very common in discourses on eschatology.
    • Graciela Sotelo
      Great Sermon!
      Woke up this morning first thing give God thanks and listened to this Sermon. Something I needed to hear very encouraging to me. I lost my job the end of January and could not beleive it was happening to me I was devastated. The only comfort I had was Gods word. After a couple of months trying to understand what happened I just had to be content of where I was and trust in God. Thank you! Please remember me in your prayers as I look for employment.
    • Becky
      Great Message of Hope
      Thank you for this encouraging Word. It truly was a message of Hope.
    • healingInHim
      Blessed Exhortation
      I've gleaned much from Free Grace Baptist and am embarrassed that it has taken me so long to comment and impress upon others to feast on their teaching and preaching of the infallible and inspired Word. "The Importance of the Lord's Supper" is sadly taken for granted and abused. I appreciated having this message delivered in the morning in preparation for the evening service and Lord's Supper observance. It is not the first time that this ministry delivers a message to prepare our hearts for future endeavours. Thank you for your faithfulness and making your ministry available to all who have ears to hear.
    • Beverley
      Such a refreshing message; true to the Word. Thank you for providing The Pastoral Epistles series.
    • bev munn
      Great Sermon!
      great message----I,AM that I,AM -----the GREAT I,AM has sent ME-----------how can anyone believe any other way..JESUS CHRIST is our lORD, and SAVIOUR---PRAISE GOD----your sister in CHRIST JESUS our LORD,BEV
    • bev munn
      Great Sermon!
      I get such a sense of peace,and great comfort listening to your services--wether it be wednesday bible studies, or sunday services...GOD,S living WORD is so powerfull.GOD blesS as you,and cam seek to serve HIM..your sister in CHRIST JESUS our LORD ,BEV
    • bev munn
      Great Sermon!
      AMEN-he who has ears to hear,let him hear...awesome, and powerfull message..GOD bless you,as you seek to serve HIM.YOUR SISTER in CHRIST JESUS our LORD,BEV
    • bev munn
      Great Sermon!
      GREAT sermon CAM, enjoyed the message very much---------and PRAISE be to GOD, our FATHER, for JESUS CHRIST,S ,death burial,and ressurection for us...GOD says be still,and know that I,AM GOD----thanks, your sister in CHRIST JESUS our LORD,BEV
    • BEV MUNN
      Great Sermon!
      i just love hearing your messages from GOD----I do learn alot,PRAISE GOD for HIS awesome love for us----GOD bless you all,in JESUS CHRIST our LORD,your sister in CHRIST JESUS our LORD,BEV
    • bev munn
      Great Sermon!
      AMEN---what a powerfull message.REVELATIONS 21:1-8what a wonderfull mercy,and grace that our FATHER gives us,who are more pain,tears,etc----and especially no more sin there---our GOD is good,loved this messgae--GOD bless,your sister in CHRIST JESUS our LORD,BEV
    • bev
      FAMINE of hearing the true WORD of GOD
      "Behold the days will come",says the LORD GOD.That I will send a FAMINE on the land,Not a famine of bread,Not a thirst for water.But of HEARING of the WORDS of the LORD.AMEN,this is so true,GREAT and POWERFULL message,your siste in CHRIST JESUS our LORD,,BEV