Three Rivers Grace Church

Recent Comments
    • Jane D.
      Great Sermon!
      I am reading your book Big Truths for Young hearts in my homeschool class. I appreciate it so much. In my personal studies I am reading a book about Isaiah 40 and the rhetorical questions have really been food for thought for me of late, which brought me to this sermon. I thank you for it. I also was taught about the Arminian "god" who needs us and only when I came to understand the real God could I see one I could worship. I find the other concept revolting and blasphemous. The anger at all the lies I had been taught has been hard to get over.
    • Fred
      This is an exposition of John 17
      This is an exposition of the entire chapter of John 17.
    • Kim Ju Sung
      Thank you
      Wow! I've been blessed by your preaching so much. I love how you try to point the congregation to our Savior Jesus every time you talk about this topic on sex. And also learned so much from the text of Ephesians and Revelation that as Christians, our marriage life is a shadow of the things to come; even the marriage of the Lamb! Great sermon. Christ-centered, Bible-centered. All glory to God who is the author of our faith! By the way, I am listening to this in 2019.
    • Vijaya Valentina
      Great Sermon!
      This Pastor explains the greatness of God excellently. Thank you very much Pastor.
    • David lavoie
      Great Sermon!
      Excellent. Wonderful.Blessed by this sermon, and perusing others. Blessed Brother by your work.
    • mofid tanyous
      Great Sermon!
      this great effort for the benfits my likes and share them with my church
    • Ben Reaoch
      Good question
      Good question. I addressed this at the end of the sermon. It is a weighty question, indeed. I believe John Piper's sermon on this passage is very helpful, and I would encourage you to take a look at it. “What God Has Joined Together, Let Not Man Separate, Part 2," which can be found on desiringgod.orgI agree with Piper that a second marriage should NOT be ended. It is true, it should not have happened. But two wrongs do not make a right. The second marriage, although it was sinful to enter into, is still a real marriage. By God's grace, this second marriage can be sanctified and can reflect the relationship of Christ and the church.Couples in a second marriage should not be told to divorce, but rather to make their marriage as Christ-honoring as it can be.
    • Anon
      Excellent! 'No Biblical Grounds for Divorce'
      Thank you Pastor Reaoch! Yes, the "exception clause" applies to the betrothal period. Yes, remarriage is only permitted after the death of a spouse otherwise an adulterous relationship occurs. As you said, "Only God can separate a marriage." If a Christian man's first wife is still living but he has civilly married another woman: (1.) Isn't he still married to his first wife in Christ? (2.) Isn't his second marriage null-and-void because their relationship is scandalous and adulterous? (3.) Mustn't he leave (civilly divorce) the 2nd woman and return (civilly marry) to the 1st or remain single?
    • Ron Walker
      Much Needed Sermon For Today
      Pastor Ben, I was listening to this message on a Sat. afternoon while working. The truths your brought forth greatly blessed me. I am currently reading J. Owen's book on Sin & Temptation (forward by J. Piper). This message is very much needed today. Thanks brother! Ron Walker (Beaver Baptist)