Evangelist Ross Crowe
503 Sermons
Evangelist Ross Crowe grew up in the wilderness of Northern Minnesota as a resort owner's son. At sixteen he asked the Lord Jesus Christ to be his Savior and was called to preach three years later. He is a graduate of Rainy River Community College, Northland Baptist Bible College and completed his seminary training at Bob Jones University. He has been in this evangelistic ministry for 30 years and has helped start three churches. He is known as a strong Biblical expositor. He is the founder of Fishing For Men ministries, a program based in Northern Minnesota guiding church men's groups fishing and in daily preaching sessions. He and the Outdoorsman Evangelistic Seminar Team travel and teach seminars across the Country. He holds a U.S. Coast Guard Master's Captain License and is a tournament fishing champion. In 1977 he married his faithful and loving wife Colleen and has two children. Marissa is 20 and Matthew is 17. Their ministry is based out of Berean Baptist Church of International Falls, Minnesota.