Creighton L. Lovelace

Creighton L. Lovelace was born on December 15, 1981 in Shelby, NC weighing 2 lbs. and 2 oz.. He was raised in Forest City, NC where he and his wife, Brittany make their home. Bro. Lovelace was saved on July 1, 1991 and was called to preach on July 26, 1996. He surrendered to the ministry on November 10, 1999 and was licensed by Danieltown Baptist Church on November 14. He graduated from Chase High School in 2000 and was called to serve as the Associate Pastor of New Beginning Baptist Church in Rutherfordton, NC in 2001. As a result he was Ordained by Danieltown Baptist Church on September 30, 2001. He returned to Danieltown Baptist Church where he served as a fill-in Preacher, from 2002-2003. He served as the Associate Pastor of Danieltown Baptist from 2003-2004. After Pastor Jack Pennington resigned due to health reasons, the Church voted on April 18, 2004 for Brother Lovelace to become their Pastor. He also graduated from Slidell Baptist Seminary, where he serves on the faculty. In 2011 he became a published author, when Tate Publishing, published his novel: It Could Happen To You. He is often controversial, but always truthful on the issues of the Word of God.

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