Dr. Mark Herzer

Dr. Mark Herzer has been the pastor of Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church (P.C.A.) in Warminster, PA since 1997. Before this, he was ordained to labor as an Assistant Pastor of Korean United Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia (1992-1995). He received his M.A.R. and Ph. D. (2003) from Westminster Theological Seminary. His doctoral dissertation focused on the influence of Romantic philosophy on the writings of W.G.T. Shedd. About once a year, he serves as the Visiting Lecturer in Systematic Theology and New Testament at John Wycliffe Theological College in Johannesburg, South Africa (2000-present). He is an adjunct professor at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (2010-) and also has served as an adjunct professor of Systematic Theology at Knox Theological Seminary (2008-2009). He is a contributor to Confessing Our Hope: Essays in Honor of Morton Howison Smith on His Eightieth Birthday (2004); A Christian World View: Essays from a Reformed Perspective (2008); Drawn into Controversie: Reformed Theological Diversity and Debates Within Seventeenth-Century British Puritanism (2011) and has published articles and reviews in theological journals. Mark and his wife, Martha, live in Glenside, PA with their three children Grace, Karis, and Calvin.

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