Rev. David McMillan
906 Sermons
Rev David McMillan was brought up on a farm just outside Saintfield in Co-Down. He was converted to Christ in January 1979 under the ministry of Dr Ian Paisley. At twenty years of age he was called to the ministry through the words of Luke 1:76—80. He was the first Free Presbyterian minister to serve in Wales being ordained for that work in November 1994. In September of 2001 he was installed as the minister of the Mullaghglass congregation where he laboured for just over nine years. Rev McMillan then accepted a call to the Armagh Church and commenced his ministry there on Reformation Day 2010. Rev McMillan serves on the Presbytery’s Mainland Commission and Mission Board. His ministry locally includes: writing a Gospel message for two newspapers, speaking at School Assemblies and broadcasting on one of the ‘Let the Bible Speak’ Radio programmes.