
2. Requirements for Faithful Apologists

275 ( 226 | 49 )

Apologetics is the defense of the Christian faith. All of us must be "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope" that is in us. But the way we make that defense matters.

Peter gives this simple recipe for the manners of godly apologists: Defend the faith without fear, with gentleness and respect, practicing good behavior (1 Peter 3:15–16). He is warning us against three imbalanced approaches to apologetics, each of which is a contradiction in terms.

The fearful apologist avoids all religious controversy. He is more concerned about what people think of him than being faithful to God and craves safety. He also might fear that, if exposed to controversy, his faith might not withstand scrutiny.

The firebrand apologist isn't afraid of people. He also doesn't really care about them. What he cares about is being right. He is so passionate that he cannot perceive that his fierceness gets in the way of his mission.

The fraudulent apologist boldly engages critics. He might know his Bible and his theology. He might exude compassion and tenderness. But his life contradicts his message. He is disqualified by ungodliness.

So what are the requirements for faithful apologists?

Sep 12, 2021
Sunday - PM
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