
Be Filled With the Spirit, Not Wine

I. Do Not Get Drunk With Wine
A. Drunkenness is a sin
*AA keeps people in bondage by treating alcoholism as a permanent genetic disease; It's not a disease, but rathe a sin; you must repent of it; Christ saves from sin and sets people free from being drunkards

B. Drunkenness is dissipation -- a wastefulness of self and money and time and resources
*Drunkenness is checking out of reality; it is a preference for a fantasy world; it's self destruction

C. If we should not be drunk, then not high either
*What the Bible says about alcohol could also be applied to drugs. Intoxication is sinful, not matter what the means. Marijuana is not like alcohol, contrary to the Libertarian false equivalency argument; no one smokes marijuana in moderation, but many people do drink alcohol in moderation. The only purpose to smoke Mary Jane is to get high; The medical marijuana argument is a Trojan Horse

D. Wine is not the problem; drunkenness is
*Wine is goo, gluttony of wine is bad; food is good, gluttony of food is bad; honey is good; gluttony of honey is bad; God created wine as a good blessing

E. Objections and answers:
*What about abstinence?
*Does prohibition work?
*Romans 14 and being careful not to be a stumbling block

II. Be filled with the Spirit
*charismatics are wrong about tongues, but they are right that you can be filled with the Spirit after conversion. The disciples in Acts 4 were filled afresh and they spoke the word with boldness. We should also pray to be filled for righteousness sake.

Sep 3, 2023
Sunday Service
Ephesians 5:18-20
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