
Women’s Responsibilities in Public Worship

In this expository sermon Dr. Felker shares some of the responsibilities that women have when they attend worship. They should dress properly, not seductively or elaborately, flaunting their wealth. They should manifest a submissive attitude, beginning with a willingness to be taught and directed by the Word of God. Men are appointed by God to be the pastors and preachers in the worship service. Women should not assert themselves into such an authoritative role. Nor should they interrupt the pastor's teaching, especially in a worship service. By citing Genesis Paul shows that male leadership is not culturally determined but was designed by God and should help protect both men and women from the doctrinal error. Pastor Felker does affirm the significant role of women in church ministry and encourages young women to reject the contemporary attitude toward motherhood and instead embrace it as a great source of love and significance.

Sep 22, 2024
Sunday Service
1 Timothy 2:9-15
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