
1 Intro to the Book of Ezekiel

The Old Testament book of the Jewish Prophet Ezekiel is one of the so-called Major Prophets in the Christian Bible because of its length. The other four are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations and Daniel. The twelve so-called Minor Prophets follow these. They are designated minor due to their length. Therefore all the prophetic books are collected together in the Christian Bible.

The Hebrew Bible, which is called the Tenach, arranges the books in a different order and assigns the Book of Ezekiel to third position in the category called the Latter Prophets (Hebrew, Ketuve’em). The other Later Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah and the Twelve Prophets. The Jewish Talmud arranges the sequence of the books of the Latter Prophets to follow a chronological order. Beginning with Jeremiah, which is primarily concerned with the prophecies of Israel’s destruction following the narrative of the books of Kings. Ezekiel, which begins with destruction, ends with the consolation of the Messianic Kingdom. Isaiah follows that and is almost all concerned with prophecies of consolation.

Aug 23, 2015
Sunday Service
Ezekiel 1:1
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