
Who Is It For?

Who Is It For?

I noticed recently how a crack in my windshield distorted the light traveling through it... and as it transferred the light to my dashboard, it wasn't the same shape as the crack. I couldn't help but think about what Paul taught in Romans 14. We, like cracks in a windshield, are all prone to distort the light... even the best of men and women are vulnerable to accidentally misleading others. "Cracks'' in our theology, opinions, or agendas, can easily twist the truth. We all must be cautious of this reality. We need to ask ourselves, "Who is it for?"

Now, on the other hand, some are intentional... and they live to embellish the facts. Therefore, it's important to be prudent, to always consider the foundation of truth that someone shares and not just believe everything a man says. Go to the source... and dig in the truth for yourself, and let the Lord validate the principles that others teach. Just because someone is popular, charismatic, passionate, and believable...doesn't mean he or she can't be wrong about this or that. Can men be trustworthy? YES! Should we follow them as they follow Jesus? YES!! Will we learn from them as they teach the word? YES!!! Something good to remember, men are fallible, but God's word will never fail... be prudent! (Colossians 1 and 2)

Who is it for?

We find in places like Micah 2:10 that God reveals that His people were way off. They were in a place that He hadn't assigned them to nor could they embrace or experience His rest in that way of thinking and living. And as a result, what will that way of thinking and living do? It'll destroy you. Paul, in Romans 14, talks about how destroying those who Jesus gave his life for.

Sep 24, 2024
Sunday Service
Romans 14; Romans 15
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