
Gospel Accountability

It is not possible to exhaust all the truth expressed in Paul's defense of the gospel in our Lord's Day expositions of Galatians. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest revelation of God's glory, greater than creation, and the main subject of the whole counsel of God. The church displays the glory of the gospel by living in gospel holiness, defending gospel doctrine, and proclaiming the gospel message to repent and believe.

When the Puritan, John Owen, describes the true nature of a gospel church, he begins with her leaders, who have the responsibility as shepherds to preach and preserve the doctrines of the gospel without compromise. Paul describes such accountability in Galatians between himself and the other apostles. Regardless of Satan's attempts to twist or deny the gospel by worldly opposition, false brothers, or heretics, the church must maintain the integrity of the gospel passed on to us by the apostles. We are accountable to God and one another for holding fast the Word of truth.

Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Service
Galatians 1:18-2:21
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