
Until We All Come to Unity

In verse 3 of this chapter we are told that each of us should personally endeavor to keep that unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Each of us who is a believer in a local church, has the responsibility in relation to the Holy Spirit's working, to do this. The reason for this is so that the whole Church of Jesus Christ, not just individual churches, will grow up into the stature of Christ, spiritually speaking. So, let's see if we can discover more of what this means to us personally, and to the church that we are a part of. Christ gave His Church pastor-teachers for the following 3 reasons.
1st of all – He has given His pastor-teachers their gift in relation to their equipping the saints for the work of service.
2nd – Christ has given His pastor-teachers their gift for the edifying of the body of Christ. And 3rd – Christ has given His pastor-teachers their gift so that we all might come to the unity of the faith.

Sep 1, 2024
Sunday - AM
Ephesians 4:13; Philippians 1:15-21
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