
The First Testimony Concerning Jesus, Part 1

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As we come to the nineteenth verse of the gospel of John, the nineteenth verse of the gospel of John—that’s chapter 1, verse 19—we come to the historical section of the book. Verses 1 to 18 is theological, presents the nature of Christ predominantly as God with God, that is to say, He is God and yet He is distinct from God the Father—He is the Creator; He is the Word, that is He is the expression of God; He is the Life; He is the source of all that lives; He is the Light, He is the shining of the nature of God into the darkness of this world. All of that has been laid out. Verse 14, the Word, the eternal Son of God became flesh, dwelt among us. So John has introduced us to the nature of Christ in theological terms, and that is an unparalled portion of Holy Scripture. So if you missed any of those messages, you do well to listen to them and find good source material on the opening 18 verses, because the reading of that would be of great benefit and blessing to you. . . .


Sep 21, 2014
TV Broadcast
John 1:19-37
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