
Revelation Series (2) - The 7 Churches

Pastor Randy explained that the 7 churches represent
a) 7 literal churches in the 1st century,
b) 7 periods of the church age, and
c) 7 types of churches that exist in every generation.
He also emphasized the pattern of each letter: attributes of Christ, His commendations, His critique, His counsel, and the rewards for those who overcome.

He then focused on the church at Laodicea, which is known for being "lukewarm." Christ rebukes the church because they had relied on their physical wealth and health, but were spiritually poor, blind, and naked. His love for them was displayed in His words: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock..." God will not force His way into our lives but by His grace, we may all open the door of our heart to His free offer of salvation.

Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Service
Revelation 2; Revelation 3
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