A Healthy Diet
spiritual lives foods that God wants to feed us is not so tasty to the carnal man it does not take alari ears do men gather Grapes of thorns or figs of thistles it's not possible we kind of produce fruit according to what we take in are our body responds to the food we eat if we eat pizza pop and ice cream sticks and donuts for a long time there's going to be problems going to be problems and it's the same way in our spiritual life if we feed on things that please the carnal man that tickle our ears we're headed the wrong way there's going to be consequences and by the way if we eat that diet spiritually that's what's going to come out we don't pick grapes from a thorn bush neither do we get figs off of thistles here it says that a good tree produces good fruit consistently and a bad tree produces undesirable fruit continually it is the same with our life we produce fruit according to the way according to what we take in and how we live whether good or evil it is evidence whether or not our heart is right with God by the fruit that comes out now the Bible says that the amount of fruit coming from the life of a Christian will vary some produce 30 some 60 and some 100-fold it's not that important how much fruit comes from the Christian Life it's important however what kind of fruit comes out a True Believer in Christ does not have an option of producing bad fruit or of being fruitless no fruit at all no fruit means that there is no life and the absence of Life spiritual life coming from us as indicating that the regenerating power of the holy spirit is not at work in our life my friends at the power of the holy spirit is at work in our life. Notes from the Message.
Sermon ID | 91822219362047 |
Duration | 34:05 |
Date | Sep 11, 2022 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Matthew 7:15-23; Matthew 24:11 |
Language | English |