
Elijah, Part 5, Rescued from Weariness

  1. Elijah experienced suicidal depression.
  2. What is the difference between asking God to take your life and suicidal ideation?
  3. Elijah was God's prosecuting attorney against unfaithful people.
  4. Jezebel's oath brought a curse on her own head.
  5. Beware of oaths. Never take them carelessly.
  6. Jezebel's words brought fear and depression on Elijah.
  7. Elijah did not see the big picture.
  8. Elijah is commissioned to do three things: to ordain Elisha as his successor, to install Hazael as king of Syria in place of Ben-Hadad, and to anoint Jehu as Israel's king, ending the dynasty of Omri.
  9. Elisha wanted a double portion of the Spirit of Elijah.
  10. Wealth, power, and fame cannot satisfy.
  11. Jesus satisfies. Come to him and feast.
Sep 1, 2024
Sunday Service
1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2:1-14
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