Mocking God's Beloved Son
Series The Olympic Blasphemy
Our Lord Jesus was cruelly mocked and taunted during His ministry, and certainly when He was crucified to save us.
Isaiah had foretold that this would be: "He is despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. And we hid our faces from Him, and esteemed Him not."
When Jesus cast a demon out of the blind and dumb man, the Pharisees scoffed that He had done so by the power of the prince of devils. Imagine, they mocked Christ for doing a good thing for this poor man!
When Jesus healed the man born blind, they denounced Him as "not of God," because He had healed on the Sabbath day. Later on, they asserted that He was a sinner, and that they didn't know where He came from.
Christ Himself warned His disciples that He would be mocked and spit upon, and murdered by wicked men, and rise again the third day.
At His trial before the Sanhedrin, He was blindfolded and struck on the face, and taunted to guess who it was that struck Him.
When they hauled Christ before Herod, Herod and his men belittled Him, and mocked Him, and dressed Him in a gorgeous robe, like some character in a comedy.
Pilate's men were the worst. They flogged our Lord Jesus, stripped Him of His clothes, dressed Him in scarlet, pressed a crown of thorns upon His head, and placed a reed in His hand.
They staged their own "tableau," dressing Jesus up as a clown king, with royal robes, and a crown, and a scepter. They mocked Him with the words, "Hail, King of the Jews," and then as His blood ran down His face from the thorns, they smote His bleeding head with the reed.
Then the people at the cross mocked Jesus. They wagged their heads at Him, and dared Him to save Himself.
Sermon ID | 8824163723529 |
Duration | 41:28 |
Date | Aug 4, 2024 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Matthew 3:13-17; Matthew 27:26-31 |
Language | English |