
The Ram Is a Type Of Christ. And the four kinds of evolutionists. Why? You'll see


Genesis 15 is so very important. If you don't know Genesis 15 you won't be able to explain things to people. Why? Because this is the definitive answer to the question, “How can I know that I'm saved?”

Ooo... he's throwing in some political commentary. Looking back now, as I post this lecture to SermonAudio in 2019, what he predicted actually came true. And no, we don't look at him as a prophet. It's just easy to predict what will happen when that kind of president gets elected.

We now get to review what this pastor has gone over in the past several lectures. He's been doing Genesis 15 for 9 weeks now (in case you want to go back and listen, he began this part of the Genesis series on 08/24/2008).

So, where are we today? There's the wedding. We'll get to that, but first you have to look at the ram with his horns caught in the thorns. This ram is a type of Christ and therefore we have to understand that the ram didn't get caught in the thicket. He put Himself there. That has to do with the crown of thorns, but it also takes you back to Adam being in thorns.

Now, why did God put the first three animals in the order that He did? Because they coordinate with Death, Sin and Substitutionary Sacrifice, in that order. So, what do the birds signify? They are not divided or beheaded. We'll get to that another day. Today is about the ram.

But first our pastor does a section he likes to call, “At least it's not Leviticus”. What's that all about? Well, you'll have to listen.

I think that's enough of a description to send the milk loving people running away screaming. Now we serious students can listen without the distractions they would have created.

Oct 26, 2008
Sunday Service
Genesis 15
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