
A Response to Michael Myers

In a recent article, Michael Myers writes:
I will begin by defending the uniqueness and permanence of the moral law (a.k.a the ten commandments)... God himself speaks all the words of the ten commandments... While there is usefulness in studying the ceremonial and civil applications of the moral law, those aspects have either been abrogated or have expired. The moral law is different... God spoke it; Moses either wrote or spoke all the others (Deut. 4:33; Ex. 20:22). God wrote the law with his own finger in tablets of stone (Ex. 31:18; 32:16; 34:1); Moses wrote the other words by hand (Ex. 17:14; 34:32). Interestingly, the book of the covenant was placed beside the ark of the covenant (Deut. 31:26), whereas the two tablets containing the moral law were placed inside the ark (Deut. 10:2). In the new covenant, God would write the words of this moral law, not upon tablets of stone, but upon the heart (Jer. 31:33).

Aug 30, 2022
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