
The Great Exchange

A table that is overflowing with delicious food holds no appeal for an overfed man, the very idea of eating one more thing is repulsive to him. But if a man is starving, such a table is more precious than gold! So it is with the gospel. If men are self-deceived into believing that their own righteousness is sufficient to earn them a home in heaven, then the righteousness of Christ offered in the gospel is not appealing to them, for they do not think that they need it. But when a man has been shown by the Holy Spirit that the righteousness required by the Law of God is far greater than anything he could ever achieve by his own works, he is caused to hunger and thirst after the righteousness found only in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Joe Hester serves as a pastor of Redeemer Baptist Church in Macon, GA. In this sermon he tells us of the great exchange the gospel gives: our sin for His righteousness!

Aug 28, 2011
Sunday - AM
Romans 8:1-5
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