
[08/27/2023 AM] - “End-Times Church Plant, #3 : Use That Gift!” - 1 Peter 4:7-10

In the morning we have our last sermon in the series of being a "plant-able-soil congregation" looking at the end-times church. What gift has God given you to show to others His grace? We each need to consider how the Lord shows His grace to others through the gifts He has given each of us. We will look carefully at 1 Peter 4.10 to sort this out.

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4:7-10
Text: 1 Peter 4.10
Message: "End-Times Church Plant, #3: Use That Gift!"

Theme: We should each use our God given gifts to benefit all of us

  1. Each of us has received a gift from God

  2. God designs that we each use our gift

  3. We use our gift for the benefit of all

  4. In so doing we are exercising stewardship of God's grace

Aug 27, 2023
Sunday - AM
1 Peter 4:7-10
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