
[08/20/2023 AM] - “End-Times Church Plant, #2: Willing" - 1 Peter 4:7-10

On the Lord's day we have two important texts and sermons before us. In the morning we take our series on what is a church plant - or, what is a plant-able soil congregation and look at 1 Peter 4.9. Hospitality is key to being a vital and growing congregation. Come and hear what God has to say about hospitality

Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4:7-10 Page 1,891 in pew Bible
Text: 1 Peter 4:9
Message: "End-Times Church Plant, #2: Willing Hospiltality"

Theme: The plant-able-soil congregation member must open our home to others, for meal or more

  1. This is an aspect of end-times love

  2. But a love exercised by each member of the congregation

  3. Our homes must be open to more than blood relatives

  4. And this gospel fruit is to be exercised willingly

Aug 20, 2023
Sunday Service
1 Peter 4:9; 1 Peter 4:7-10
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