
The Apostle John Sins Again! Worship, Idolatry and Guarding Your Heart

For the second time the Apostle John is recorded as having fallen down to worship at the feet of an angel and is rebuked by the angel (Rev. 22:8; 19:10).

How could John commit such a grievous sin? What IS John's problem?

John's problem is one every human being has. "Nothing is more carefully guarded in the Bible than the purity and simplicity of worship; nothing is more sternly rebuked than idolatry; nothing is more contrary to the divine law than rendering in any way that homage to a creature which belongs of right to the Creator. It was necessary to guard even John, the beloved disciple, on that subject; how much more needful, therefore, is it to guard the church at large -- and, I would add, your own heart -- from the dangers to which it is liable." -- Albert Barnes.

Aug 19, 2012
Sunday Service
Revelation 22; Romans 1
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