
The Feasts of Israel Part 6b

Good morning, well, for some of you I have some good news this
morning, after the last message with all the time lines, numbers,
arrows and slides I have none of that today, no number crunching for
your minds today. What I have to present to you this morning is
somewhat lighter this time, in the last message we took the journey in
finding where I believe the feast of Trumpets is going to be and the
process of how I got to that point going through the information we
have on the tribulation. If you remember from the chart I said that I
believe the feast of Trumpets will come 30 days after the end of the
tribulation after Christ returns to this earth, this would be 10 days
before the feast of Atonement and 15 days before the feast of
Tabernacles which will be the start of the millennium.

May 29, 2022
Sunday Service
Malachi 4
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