
Alert to Pray

Jesus is coming again! The early church believed in Christ's soon return, and believers down through the ages also believed that Christ could return in their lifetime. Some today get caught up in all the details surrounding His coming. But how should the prospect of Christ's soon return impact our lives. Peter, in 1 Peter 4, barks five commands in light of Christ's soon return. This message relays the first two. First, we need to keep our heads screwed on straight, and not be carried away by self-indulgence or excitement. We are not to be sidetracked by controversies and conspiracy theories, but rather think seriously about life. Secondly, we must be mentally alert for effective prayer. Prayer is hard work! Our adversary hates when Christians pray. And so we are commanded to 'watch and pray' for our enemy seeks to discourage or to distract us from prayer. For as we see the day of Christ's return approaching we need to be alert to pray for one another!

Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Service
1 Peter 4:7
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