
Evangelicals and Politics

The goal of Christians in voting should be to promote policies that align with Biblical standards of right and wrong because when we do we are promoting policies that will allow us to live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness. And until recently the evangelical vote could always be counted on to reflect Biblical standards of right and wrong. However, recently there has been a movement by the political left to court evangelicals in order to gain their votes. They have done so by courting "evangelical" leaders to their cause to give them credibility. However, upon closer examination what these "evangelicals" are promoting are values that betray the Biblical witness regarding what is right and wrong and thereby jeopardize our ability to live quiet and peaceful lives in all godliness. However, many evangelicals are being deceived by these tactics, listening to figure heads as opposed to what Scripture says how we should both conduct our lives and by consequence vote.

Aug 18, 2024
Sunday School
1 Timothy 2:1-2
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