
Tour of the Tombs

Today we are going to take a "Tour of the Tombs..."

First, we will visit the tomb of Joshua, who left behind a wonderful legacy and bears the honorable title of "the servant of the Lord."

Second, we will come to a tomb in Shechem. By faith, when Joseph died in Egypt, he knew that his people would return to Canaan; and he commanded his bones to be carried back and buried there. So as the remains of Joseph were laid to rest in Shechem, we are reminded of how the Lord was faithful to His promise.

Then there is the tomb of Eleazar. This was the first high priest's tomb in the Promised Land, and it was a monument of God's faithfulness in giving a high priest to His people.

Not far away, there was a tomb that originally made for a rich man – but a poor Man was buried there instead! And that tomb is now empty!! You can go and visit this tomb, but you will not see the earthly remains of a king or a high priest, because our King and High Priest lives and reigns in heaven! This tomb really does not matter, for the One Who was buried there is alive!

What will our tombstone say? Will our obituary say that we served the Lord? What is our highest goal in life? What legacy will we leave behind?

How can we enter into that heavenly rest which is described in Hebrews 4? By faith in Jesus! And how do we show that faith? By loving and serving Him and others. He is risen; let us pray for grace to follow Him and be His servants!

Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Service
Joshua 24:29-33
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