How Long Halt ye Between Two Opinions
Series 2022 Revival Meetings
1st Kings chapter 18 verse 21 1st Kings 18:21 it's out of this verse that I pull my title for this evening sermon and Elijah came unto all the people and said how long hold she between two opinions my title is how long halt ye between two opinions the first evening we looked into the we looked into the face of Jesus Christ as he revealed himself in Revelation chapter 1 last evening we looked into the face of Jesus Christ as he hung up on the cross as the lamb for the world but tonight I want to take a little different I want to look tonight and pushes because all of us tonight have to answer this question how long whole Chi between two opinions In Our Lifetime no matter who we are we're called upon to make a choice we have to decide determine what we are going to do with our life we looked last night in the Book of Genesis other man is a creature of choice God gave man the ability to choose between will you obey will you take of the fruit or will you not take of the fruit and the blessing of God is that God wants to be followed by choice is not one of the people that is forced to serve him but he's looking that every person and every individual would make his own personal and private decision to serve Jesus Christ and tonight I want to give you just a few pointers I want to keep this these pointers very very simple so that you can carry with them because I'm with you because as you choose there are a number of things I think we need to focus on in our choices that will help us to choose between right or wrong that will help us to choose in which direction we will go and the interesting thing I was absolutely blessed this evening.
Some notes from the Message.
Sermon ID | 811222319392919 |
Duration | 55:48 |
Date | Aug 10, 2022 |
Category | Conference |
Bible Text | 1 Kings 18:21 |
Language | English |