
2 John Part 4 Overview, Observations, and Conclusion

INTRO: It was not my plan to give a message on 2 John, but Daryl brought up the possibility as he did the third of three exegetical messages on this book by our pastoral students. This left the last two verses, the conclusion of the letter. I was also asked if I would grade those messages. I do not feel I am a Homiletics teacher, but I do have some understanding of the basics of the various sorts of messages, such as topical, textual and exegetical, which most would call expository. And so I planned to go over their message notes and make some recommendations and give a grade. And after Daryl’s suggestion I thought, “Well, I’ll be spending a lot of time doing this, I think I’ll take on doing that message Daryl suggested.
So, here is what I plan to do in this message. I want to give an overview of the book. Then I want to make some observations that I made as I listened to their messages and went over their notes. Then I want to give the conclusion of this letter in verses 12-13.
In our classes we spent a lot of time doing the grammatical work required to do exegetical preaching. In exegetical preaching, you set out the Biblical words you will be preaching on in a grammatical form in which you have to give account for the function of every word in the passage you are dealing with. Then from that you determine the major sections of your chosen material. Then you subject everything to those major points by showing how those sections modify the main points. From that, you then develop an outline. Once that is done, then come the word studies and checking with commentaries or historical information etc…

Jun 12, 2016
Sunday Service
2 John 12-13
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