Strongholds and Scripture…
Series Corinthians
Strongholds and Scripture…
Problems and Promises…
We talk about some of the struggles and strengths of the everyday disciple.
Balance — Battles — Burdens —Blessings
Problems in the World…
Promises in the Word…
Purpose in the Witness…
We're considering how to process everyday problems going on outside and inside the church as we process the promises and purpose of Jesus in the world and church we serve.
Trusting, treasuring, and feeding on the LAMB and blessing, building, and feeding the LUMP with the right influence.
#nestingwithjesus #corinthians #2corinthians10 #1corinthians5 #1corinthians6 #problemsandpromises #balancebattlesburdensblessings #strugglesandstrengths #theLambandHisLump #philippians2 #letthismindbeinyou #psalm97and11 #solutions #answersforthoselistening #solutionshingonoursubmision #thehing #solutionhingonoursurrender #solutionshingeonobedience #takingcaptiveourthoughts #toughwallstools #warfare #carnal #fleshly #common #uncommon #worldliness #hate #questions
Sermon ID | 731241414101996 |
Duration | 35:56 |
Date | Jul 31, 2024 |
Category | Sunday School |
Bible Text | 1 Corinthians 5; 2 Corinthians 10 |
Language | English |