
Hope in Your God!

We live in a fallen world, and even Christians are not exempt from trials. But are we surprised and caught off-guard by the depth of the sorrow and despair to which we may sometimes fall? As believers, we may still sink to the point of feeling forsaken by our God, as David did. But in the midst of our desparation, there is still hope!

David felt himself to be in a situation where he was spiritually exhausted, like a deer that is being hunted and is in desparate need of water. Theologically speaking, we know that nothing can separate us from the love of the Lord Jesus. But experiences in our lives often weigh us down and make us feel as if God is not close to us anymore.

How do we keep from spiraling downward all the way to the black hole of despair? We need a re-orientation to hope in the Lord! Our only remedy is hope – specifically, hope in God!

We need to admit our broken condition and our need for God's grace, and we need to remember that the waterfalls of affliction that we are going through belong to the Lord and He is in control. We must also remind ourselves of God's Covenant love and promises that He has made to us and will never break. Our emotions are instable and are not accurate gauges for truth, so we do well to combat them by filling our minds with those precious promises. Moreover, we need to recognize that the Lord is the God of our life, and that we are His beloved gem and treasure. And lastly, although it may be difficult, we must praise Him still – for He is still worthy! We will not be easily cast down or kept down if our hearts are fixed on Jesus – Who, on the cross, really was forsaken by and separated from the Father so that we may have hope!

Jul 31, 2022
Sunday Service
Psalm 42
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