
Worldwide Praise, Part 1

This psalm throbs with holy desire that all would finally praise God.
Our God will have worldwide praise by saving His people, judging the world, and consummating His eternal plan.
Christ is the central focus of this psalm and of salvation history. He is the premier example of Man delivered by God and judged by God. Christ is also the God who delivers and judges—in both His comings. Yet the One simple God acts as three Persons in the sphere of creation and Providence—the Father decrees, the Son redeems, the Spirit applies. These broad perspectives are important for appreciating the vast scope of Psalm 67.
I. Through Salvation (1–3)
•Petition for salvation (1)
•Purpose of salvation (2)
•REFRAIN: Plea for worldwide praise (3)
II. Through Judgment (4, 5)
•Anticipation of judgment (4bc)
•Purpose of judgment (4a)
•REFRAIN: Plea for worldwide praise (5)
III. Through Consummation (6, 7)
•Anticipation of the great harvest (6a)
•Anticipation of the fullness of blessing (6b, 7a)
•ALTERED REFRAIN: Anticipation of worldwide praise (7b)
IV. Applications
•To rekindle our hope
•To provoke our gratitude
To motivate our service

Jul 29, 2018
Sunday Service
Psalm 67
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