[07/21/2024 PM] - “Jesus Plus Nothing” - Romans 1:1-5 / H.C. LD 11
Series Heidelberg Catechism
July 21, 2024
The evening sermon will be Romans 5.1-5 and Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 11. Here we will see the GREAT importance of both peace with God and strength for standing (staying power, spiritually considered). Again, we need to feast on this spiritual food.
Responsive Reading: Isaiah 9.1-7 (all, 6-7)
Scripture Reading: Romans 1:1-5
Confessional Reading: Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 11
Sermon: "Jesus Plus Nothing"
Theme: Believing on Jesus as Savior results in peace with God and an immoveable trust
The justified believer does have peace with God
And we have all the grace needed to "stand"
So that trials do not push us to some other "help"
Our help and hope is in Jesus alone!
Sermon ID | 728241621335292 |
Duration | 32:22 |
Date | Jul 21, 2024 |
Category | Sunday - PM |
Bible Text | Isaiah 9:1-7; Romans 5:1-5 |
Language | English |