210 Not Rich Toward God (Luke 12:13-21) 1 of 2
Series Expository Study: Luke
CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: France adopts a "health pass" that sets the stage for Antichrist. The Cleveland Indian baseball team ends it's tribute to the first Native American Major League player, Louis Sockalexis, changing it's name to Guardians. And the push for mandatory vaccination continues. We show the dishonest and illegal tricks being attempted in violation of the Nuremberg Charter (Code) of 1947.
In our study, we see a rich man hording while ignoring God and the needs of his neighbors. We will see that this story that resembles, "A Christmas Carol," by Charles Dickens is a fitting parable for our Christmas in July meeting.
Sermon ID | 726212223354709 |
Duration | 25:59 |
Date | Jul 25, 2021 |
Category | Radio Broadcast |
Bible Text | Acts 20:35; Luke 12:13-31 |
Language | English |