
James 2 Part 4: The High Court of The Royal Law


James has taken the entire argument, and the obvious contradiction before us and has nestled it all directly underneath a greater Law that governs the entire situation by a more thorough and superior standard. He has left the local court that only adjudicates matters of favoritism and fair balances and has appealed to a higher court, the federal court of The Divine Law of Love, that binds together and presides over all other courts beneath it. The implications this has in the text is far reaching and extends well beyond the single issue of favoritism.
Basically the end of the argument is this …even though you might try and say that you were indeed loving the rich man as yourself, and were simply being neighborly to him, as the law demanded of you, than why didn't you love your poor brother the same way? ,.. If you loved your neighbor as yourself, you could not have loved the rich man any differently than you loved the poor man. Did you really think to violate the Law in one area in order to fulfill it in another?

Jul 7, 2019
Sunday Service
James 2:8-11
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