
89 Death & Burial of Jacob

After the blessing, Jacob again expressed to his twelve sons his desire to be buried in the sepulcher of his fathers (Genesis 24), where Isaac and Rebekah and his own wife Leah lay by the side of Abraham and Sarah, which Joseph had already promised on oath to perform (Genesis 47:29–31). This is not where Rachel was buried. This is also this only mention of Leah’s death and burial. She finally got to be close to him. She could not do this in life but in death she did. He then drew his feet into the bed to lie down, for he had been sitting upright while blessing his sons, and yielded up the ghost, and was gathered to his people. He departed from this earthly life without a struggle. His age is not given here, because that has already been done at Genesis 47:28.
So Jacob died after 147 years on this earth. He had many sins. But Jacob had an unrestrained desire for God’s blessing. He had a deep faith that always relied on God in spite of all else. In the end he died as a man of genuine faith. He learned in his life where the real blessings came from, and he fought with God and man to be privileged to hand them on to his sons. He knew that his progeny would populate the world and be as the sands of the sea (Genesis 32:12). They have become a major nation on the earth.

Oct 21, 2012
Sunday Service
Genesis 49:29
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