
The Integrity of Love

The apostle John reminds us that true love for God is always the result of God's love for us, and always results in love for fellow believers, those who have been born from above and are part of God's kingdom. He has harsh words for someone who claims to love God whom he has never seen but hates his brother whom he has seen. In this passage, as in several places in 1 John, he contrasts what a person says with their practice, and it is always their actual practice that reveals the truth about their spiritual condition. The love that a genuine believer has experienced from God always overflows in their relationships with others.

John also shows that our obedience to God's commandments and our love for His children are two sides of the same coin. As we obey our Lord, we will love our fellow brothers and sisters, and vice-versa. The commandments of God are not a religious burden, but a delight because He has empowered us through His Holy Spirit.

Jul 21, 2024
Sunday Service
1 John 4:20-5:3
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