
Lesson 4 The Power To Rescue

Lesson 4 The Power To Rescue. Luke 8:41,42-49-56There were many who came to Jesus because he was a celebrity. They believed in him but because they were curious as to what he would do in today's lesson Jesus had stilled the storm had cast demons from those possessed and they had witnessed his power to cast out demons. Many of the people were afraid of what Jesus had done they were afraid of the one who cast out those demons. It's easier to live with sin than it is to rid ourselves of it. The idea of living a righteous life and following Christ is more frightening than living a life filled without sin and controlled by Satan. Jairus needed his daughter to be healed from death and upon arriving at the house Jesus was met with a crowd of mourners. But Jesus only asked Peter James and John along with the mother and the father of the girl to go in with him. He knew what he was going to do. He was going to raise this girl from the dead and he did not need a lot of ridicule and negative thoughts. Faith is a powerful instrument and so is unbelief. Jesus had the power to raise Jairus's daughter to life. The doctors could not help them, the priest could not help them, money could not help him. Only Jesus could! We don't know what the parents were thinking but they knew that Jesus was their only hope and their faith and trust were in Jesus. Have you allowed Jesus to do mighty works in your life. We need to get ready for salvation and we know that Jesus is preparing a place in heaven for all of those who believe on him.

Jun 10, 2023
Luke 8:41-56
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