76 Pharaoh Dreams & Joseph is Consulted
Series Genesis
The text opens with the declaration of, at the end of two full years. This means that the following story occurred after the events of Joseph’s interpretation of the dreams of both the royal cupbearer and the royal baker. He was still in prison after asking the cupbearer upon his release, to put a good word in to Pharaoh for him. That was obviously not politically expedient for the cupbearer to do so. Even though he was still imprisoned the events of this chapter show that Joseph’s faith in God was still strong.
Interestingly the dreams of Pharaoh came in a pair. So did the last two dream and interpretation incidents Joseph experienced. The first pair was with his family and the second while in prison with the royal cupbearer and royal baker. The dreams that Pharaoh experienced involved the Nile River, which is the life source of food in Egypt. There is very little rain in Egypt if at all; the entire economy of the agriculture was dependent for water, which came from the periodic flooding of the Nile.
Sermon ID | 627142240412 |
Duration | 38:00 |
Date | Jul 22, 2012 |
Category | Sunday Service |
Bible Text | Genesis 41:1-26 |
Language | English |