WLC Study Group Q & A 21-22; 26; 24
Series Westminster Larger Catechism
A study and discussion group of the Westminster Larger Catechism with Pastor Chip Byrd. Q21: Did man continue in that estate wherein God at first created him?
A21: Our first parents being left to the freedom of their own will, through the temptation of Satan, transgressed the commandment of God in eating the forbidden fruit; and thereby fell from the estate of innocency wherein they were created.
Q22: Did all mankind fall in that first transgression ?
A22: The covenant being made with Adam as a public person, not for himself only, but for his posterity, all mankind descending from him by ordinary generation, sinned in him, and fell with him in that first transgression.
Q26: How is original sin conveyed from our first parents unto their posterity?
A26: Original sin is conveyed from our first parents unto their posterity by natural generation, so as all that proceed from them in that way are conceived and born in sin.
Q24: What is sin?
A24: Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, any law of God, given as a rule to the reasonable creature.
Sermon ID | 624241451331405 |
Duration | 59:41 |
Date | Jun 20, 2024 |
Category | Teaching |
Bible Text | Genesis 3:6-8; Psalm 51:5 |