Back on the Right Road
Series 1 Samuel
A reawakening had begun at Gath in the life of David. He was spiritually and physically hungry. He escapes to the cave of Adullam and composes Psalm 57 and Psalm 142 both expressing his deep trust in the Lord. David is still onthe run from Saul but on the right road.
We see the goodness of the Lord in providing the cave of refuge. David's family is returned to him by God. We see David honoring his parents and even how the Lord used his greatgrandmother Ruth in all this. These five verses are full of much that the Lord has for us.
Sermon ID | 621091454340 |
Duration | 40:04 |
Date | Jun 21, 2009 |
Category | Sunday - AM |
Bible Text | 1 Samuel 22:1-5 |
Language | English |
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