
Abortion - The murder of the Unborn


Saturday 27th October 2007 marked the 40th anniversary of the passing of the Abortion Act by the United Kingdom Parliament. On this date in 1967 David Steel's Abortion Bill was voted through parliament. It did not become law until six months later, 27th April 1968. Thankfully the law did not apply to Northern Ireland.

Since the Act became law, approximately 6 million abortions have been carried out in the UK. A modern day Holocaust. At present there are about 200,000 abortions a year in the UK. In virtually every developed country in the world abortions are now legal. It has been estimated that approximately 46 million abortions are performed worldwide every year.

This past week the present government said that they have no immediate plans to change the law. Some are arguing for the new 24 week limit for abortions to be lowered. Others are arguing that the law should apply to Norther Ireland.
It has to be clearly stated that Abortion is the willful, systematic killing of unborn children.

98% of UK abortions are for 'social' reasons. There is nothing wrong with the child or the mother. There was no immediate danger to the mother or child.

The killing of an unborn child is the deliberate taking away of a human life and is a crime which God views with abhorrence.

Oct 28, 2007
Sunday - PM
Psalm 139
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