
Boasting, Abuse and Man's Wisdom

Some commentators and translators want us to believe that what Paul says and does here was not inspired by the Holy Spirit. They fail to realize that Paul is not talking about inspiration, but that he is adopting a Biblical apologetic or defense of the faith, following Proverbs 26:4-5. Paul says that boasting proves nothing, it is foolish, however, once these people had set up this false standard as the measuring stick by which to evaluate all things, Paul takes their false standard and 'whips' them with it, telling them all the while that this was a foolish game. We also learn what boasting is and why it is foolish to boast and how vulnerable we make ourselves when we rely upon our own wisdom to guide us rather than bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Paul shows the Corinthians that the fruit of man's wisdom is slavery and oppression--something they could not deny.

Jun 15, 2008
Sunday Service
2 Corinthians 11:16-21; Proverbs 26:4-5
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